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In the Middle Ages men were knitting
13 Jun

In the Middle Ages men were knitting

Posted By: Panos Times Read: 1861 Comments: 0

Although knitting was originally a domestic occupation exclusively for women, it quickly expanded to the male population.

The men took up the 'professional' knitting. Their products were not intended for personal consumption, such as socks that women could knit for their husbands, but for sale.

Especially in the 16th century, knitted socks became so popular that whole guilds were created to meet the demand. In fact, trainees had to undergo six years of training before being allowed to practice the profession of "mastermind".

 With the industrial revolution of the 19th century, machines covered the need for knitwear for mass consumption. Knitting, from basic housekeeping, has become a hobby for upper class women.

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